Dallas Mavericks vs Portland Trail Blazers: Prediction and Betting Tips

The Dallas Mavericks start a two-game road trip with a visit to Rip City to take on the Portland Trail Blazers. Friday night’s head-to-head is the first of four scheduled meetings between the two teams.

The Mavericks are looking to build on the momentum of their spectacular win against the Utah Jazz on Wednesday. Luka Doncic’s mind-boggling triple-double in the first 20 minutes was the highlight of the game.

After back-to-back wins last week, the Blazers have now dropped two straight games. They nearly pulled off an upset against the Golden State Warriors on Wednesday but couldn’t hold on to their lead.

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70% Win


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70% Win


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Anfernee Simons and Shaedon Sharpe were scorching hot versus the Dubs. Portland will be hoping they sustain that form to try and beat the in-form Mavs.

Luka Doncic torched the Jazz for 40 points, 11 assists and 10 rebounds in just a mind-boggling 32 minutes. There’s not much opponents can do if “Luka Legend” is firing on all cylinders. Portland’s injury-riddled lineup will have their work cut out for them on Friday.

Dallas Mavericks vs Portland Trail Blazers: Preview, betting tips and prediction

Game details

Teams: Dallas Mavericks (12-8) vs. Portland Trail Blazers (6-14)

Date and Time: December 8, 2023 | 10:00 PM ET

Venue: Moda Center | Portland, Oregon

Dallas Mavericks vs Portland Trail Blazers: Game preview

The undermanned Utah Jazz threw the kitchen sink at Luka Doncic and it didn’t matter. Besides his vast repertoire of moves to score, his playmaking also stood out. He had everyone engaged with the way he orchestrated the offenses. Kyrie Irving, Tim Hardaway Jr. and Seth Curry all benefited from Doncic’s passing and reading of the game.

Anfernee Simons and Shaedon Sharpe showed what they could do when they nearly led the Blazers to a win over the Golden State Warriors. Portland will need both to be on fire as Jerami Grant remains out due to a concussion. Deandre Ayton is doubtful while Malcolm Brogdon is questionable. Doncic will maximize Dallas’ advantages against an injury-riddled lineup.

Dallas Mavericks vs Portland Trail Blazers: Predicted Starting lineups

With Grant Williams unavailable, Derrick Jones Jr., should continue taking his spot in the starting lineup. Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, Dereck Lively II, and Dante Exum could open the game for the Mavericks.

Chauncey Billups’ lineup selection will be tough. Duop Reath will start if Deandre Ayton isn’t cleared to play. Toumani Camara will be inserted since Jerami Grant is dealing with a concussion.

If Brogdon isn’t available, Matisse Thybulle could get the nod. Shaedon Sharpe and Anfernee Simons complete Billups’ potential first five.

Dallas Mavericks vs Portland Trail Blazers: Betting tips

Luka Doncic leads the Dallas Mavericks with 31.8 points per game. The over/under points prop for him is 31.5. Bettors get -120 for over and -110 for under. “Luka Magic” has hit at least 31 points in four out of his last 10 games. Portland’s injuries could allow another big scoring night from the Slovenian.

Kyrie Irving ranks second among Mavs players in scoring with 23.8 points per contest. The over/under points prop for him is 25.5. Bettors get -105 for over and -125 for under. “Uncle Drew” has hit at least 25 points in seven out of his last 10 games. Like Doncic, Irving could have plenty of opportunities to light up the scoreboard.

Dallas Mavericks vs Portland Trail Blazers: Predictions

The moneyline for the Mavericks is -310 while it’s +250 for the Portland Trail Blazers. Dallas is a -8.0 favorite on the road against Portland.

All the momentum is on Dallas’ side after drubbing the Utah Jazz a few days ago. The Blazers will do their best to compete but an injury-riddled roster will be a big disadvantage for them. Luka Doncic’s team could win against the spread on Friday.

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