How to defeat the Broodmother on ARK Fjordur

ARK Fjordur is the twelfth DLC of ARK Survival Evolved and was initially released as an unofficial mod map. Due to its increasing popularity, Studio Wildcard decided to release it as an official DLC on June 12, 2022. Fjordur's widespread map certainly has a lot to offer to players. A diverse variety of primitive wildlife, beautiful landscapes, and challenging fights invoke the survival instincts of its players.

Speaking of wildlife, Fjordur has introduced four new tamable creatures, seven mini-bosses, and a final boss in the game. Players have to make their way up by defeating these mini-bosses to face the final boss in the end. The three strongest mini-bosses of this DLC are Megapithecus, Dragon, and Broodmother. Players must defeat all three of them to spawn the final boss Fenrisulfr.

As expected, Broodmother is not a new creature. This giant spider has also appeared in The Center, and can be found in The Lair on Valguero, as it is also one of the three Guardians on The Island. Broodmother can be tamed and ridden for a short time in Survive the ARK mission in Genesis: Part 2. A weaker variant of Broodmother spawns in the Bog Beatdown in Genesis: Part 1.

This article discusses the easiest ways to defeat Broodmother, the spider mini-boss in ARK Fjordur.

ARK Fjordur Broodmother: General stats, strength, weakness, and combat technique

Information and stats

Much like Dragon and Megapithecus, Broodmother also has three variants: alpha, beta, and gamma. Out of these, alpha is the hardest to defeat while gamma is the easiest. At first glance, players will notice that this giant spider looks like it's wearing a shiny, golden, dwarven armor set. Its basic structure resembles a normal spider, with spikey legs and sharp fangs.

Like all the other bosses, Broodmother never fights alone and has a bunch of relatively smaller spider minions to fight for it on the battlefield. To summon gamma Broodmother, players must be at least level 50.

Broodmother terminal cave entrance in ARK Fjordur (Image via Sportskeeda)

To reach the Broodmother terminal, players need to:

  • Find the Broodmother terminal cave at 57.3, 65.7
  • Find the Broodmother terminal inside the cave at 54.5, 65.3
  • Put required Broodmother tribute items in the terminal

The basic stats of alpha Broodmother are:

AttributeBase Value+1 Level
Melee Damage540+40.5
Sprint Speed1674.75NA
Broodmother terminal in ARK Fjordur (Image via Sportskeeda)

The tribute items needed for opening the alpha Broodmother terminal are:

  • 1 Beyla Relic
  • 1Artifact of the Clever
  • 1 Artifact of the Hunter
  • 1 Artifact of the Massive
  • 10 Argentavis Talon
  • 10 Sarcosuchus Skin
  • 10Sauropod Vertebra
  • 10 Titanoboa Venom

Once this mini-boss has been defeated, the alpha Broodmother drops:

  • 148 Elements
  • 1 Spider Flag
  • 1 Broodmother Trophy

Combat technique

Broodmother is an intermediate boss in ARK Fjordur as defeating it is harder than overwhelming Dragon, but easier than Megapithecus. Its Araneo minions can also use web attacks to slow down the player as well as inflict torpor damage.

Here are some tips and tricks to help players defeat Broodmother in battle:

  • Players should use Yuty as the battle mount as they can use their courage ability to buff up the the stats of other tames.
  • Daeodons can use their healing abilitty to heal friendly tames.
  • Players can use 3-4 high-level Gigas with decent armor to defeat Broodmother. Gigas can pierce through its heavy armor without taking enough damage to trigger their own rage mode.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

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