How to fix, possible reasons, and more

Call of Duty: Warzone 2 players seem to be running into a fair bit of performance issues in recent weeks where the title seems to be crashing every now and then.

The problem is more evident for those on PC who are using either Steam or, and the crash is not allowing them to boot up the game, or enter a queue with their friends.

It’s one of the more frustrating bugs to deal with in the game, as there is no permanent solutionapart from a few temporary workarounds that the community has come up with.

Hence, today’s guide in particular will go over some of the steps that you can take in order to try and solve the "Keeps crashing on PC" error in Warzone 2.

Fixing the Warzone 2 "Keeps crashing on PC" error

As mentioned, there are no permanent solutions to the Warzone 2 crashing situation on PC apart from some temporary workarounds. Here is how you will be able to navigate around the issue in your system:

1) Updating your GPU drivers

One of the first steps that you will be required to invest in is to update your GPU drivers for both Nvidia and AMD.

To update your AMD drivers, you will be required to make your way to the AMD Radeon Settings tab, where you will need to locate the update button. By clicking on it you will be able to start a process that will automatically download and install the latest update of the game. You can even manually check for updates if the app doesn't show that a new version is available.

To be able to update your Nvidia drivers, you will need to launch your GeForce Experience application and then log into your account to be able to make your way to the Drivers tab. Once there, you will once again need to check for updates and then download the latest version of your GPU’s drivers.

2) Repairing corrupt files

Another reason why Warzone 2 might be crashing on your system might be because of corrupt files in the installation directory. One of the best ways to weed them out is to scan and repair them through the respective clients of either Steam or

For Steam, you will need to head to your Library, right-click on Warzone 2, then select Properties, Local Files, and then press on ‘verify integrity of game files’. This process will launch an application that will go through all the files in the directory and then repair the ones that are corrupt.

For, the process is quite similar. You will be required to click on the cog that is located next to the play button. Then, you will need to click the "Scan and Repair" option to deal with any broken files.

3) Re-installing the game

While this might seem like a very drastic step to take, many in the community have stated that it has solved many of the performance issues that Warzone 2 has been facing. Hence, you can try and re-install the game to see if it fixes the periodic crashes on your system.

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