Is The Villages loofah code a myth? Internet dazed over swingers color code for sexual prefere

THE VILLAGES, FLORIDA: Massive retirement community The Villages is infamous for being a getaway of wild retirees. One car was captured on camera and showed that they swap upside-down pineapples for loofahs on their vehicles. The display is allegedly rumored to the community's code to highlight their sexual style as 'swingers' and under the video comments, social media users expressed their doubts about the coded-loofahs and the lifestyle of the retirees.

The 0.28-second video was shared by Tora Himan, a TikToker who added the Dubskie song, 'Oh No Oh No Oh No No No,' to the clip, and captioned “They are everywhere!.” The video showed The Villages community residents in Florida roaming around in their cars with the roof's displaying their multicolored shower scrubbers, which were also spotted on golf carts.


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Why is 'The Villages' so popular?

The Villages also called 'Florida's friendliest hometown' have always been known for their strange acts and lifestyle. Recently, four residents of the 55+ neighborhood were charged with voting twice in the 2020 presidential election. The video of the retirees swapping upside-down pineapples was seen as a bizarre way of showcasing their way of life. One Twitter user wrote, "This can't be right. My wife has a black and blue loofah on her car. Is this a meme?," and another quipped, "I was wondering why granny had those on her golf cart." A user sarcastically wrote, "These would be worth buying and putting on people's cars for lols," and someone shared the loofah color codes and wrote, "Adding color-coded swingers loofahs for Boomers to the bingo chart."

A Reddit user explained, "As someone that owns 2 houses there I can tell you it's absolutely true. City Fire on the weekends, or just about any night really, is a surefire way to get some," and another wrote, "I'm skeptical considering The Villages account for a substantial portion of Florida's STD statistics."

This can't be right. My wife has a black and blue loofah on her car. Is this a meme?

— Simian Claw (@simian_claw) February 3, 2023


I was wondering why granny had those on her golf cart

— Jason Harness (@jsonharness) February 3, 2023


These would be worth buying and putting on people's cars for lols

— The house that Nihilism Built (@mmmyummytears) February 3, 2023


Is 'The Villages' loofah swap a myth?

Responding to the 'color-coded loofah' swap in Florida's master-planned retirement community, many social media users claiming to have either lived or worked there debated on whether the rumored idea of the loofahs was a myth or truth. Calling it a myth, one Reddit user wrote, "I have worked in The Villages for over 3 years and this is a myth. The reason for the loofas is simple, it’s so they can find their car. All the retirees drive a similar car and old gran can’t go around the whole parking lot looking for her car. So the loofa is an easy way for them to spot it from a distance. Trust me all the people I have met are definitely not swingers as most can barely stand without assistance."

"LOL! I’m not a Villages resident, but my wife (f63) put Boston Terrier window stickers on her car to help tell it from all the other bland mini SUVs in the parking lot," a user joked and another commented, "This is very much a thing. Anyone who believes differently is clueless. I have worked quite a bit in The Villages and this is very true."

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