Where are Tess Damm and Bryan Grove now? Details explored ahead of Seduced to Slay on ID

The upcoming episode of Seduced to Slay on ID, one of the network's newest shows, is all set to bring forth the case of Linda Damm's murder at the hands of Tess Damm and her boyfriend Bryan Grove in what remains one of the most shocking cases in Lafayette, Colorado's history.

This is especially shocking because the perpetrators in this case were 15-year-old Tess Damm, Linda's biological daughter, and her 17-year-old boyfriend, Bryan Grove, who brutally stabbed the 52-year-old woman to death in her own home. This is because the teenage couple could not endure the overbearing mother, who was very protective of Tess.

The two used the help of their friends, Jared Guy and Jared Smith, and killed Linda and tried to dispose of her body unsuccessfully. Later, they were caught after an anonymous tip revealed the ploy.

Bryan and Tess were sentenced to prison, with Bryan still serving his time. He will be eligible for parole in 2033. Tess served for a long time in the Denver Women’s Correctional Facility and was granted parole in April 2019.

Why did Bryan Grove and Tess Damm kill Linda Damm?

Linda Damm (Image via The Denver Post)

Bryan Grove and Tess Damm met one year before the murder and engaged in a passionate relationship. Though they were young, they were very passionate about each other and wary of anything that might come between them.

Linda, on the other hand, was very actively involved in her daughter's life and worried that she was throwing away her life for a love affair at such a young age. Linda was also opposed to Tess Damm and Bryan Gorve's relationship but allowed Bryan to move in with them in hopes that she could control her daughter.

But things only worsened as the couple soon started talking about murdering Linda. One evening, things turned more concrete as Linda constantly called Tess while she was out for dinner with Bryan Grove. The same evening, whose date is not clear, Tess, Bryan, and their friend Jared Guy went to Linda's house, where Bryan stabbed the woman to death. They put her body in the trunk of a car and tried to dispose of it, but unsuccessfully.

Tess Damm (Image via The Denver Post)

Bryan Grove later got his friend Jared Smith involved while trying to dispose of it again unsuccessfully. They soon gave up the idea and started staying in Linda's house and spending her money while they kept her dead body in the trunk.

Soon, Linda Damm's community started noticing that she wasn't around. Despite Tess trying to mislead them, one of Tess and Bryan's friends dropped an anonymous tip to the police.

The police arrested and charged Tess and Bryan, along with Jared Smith. Tess soon confessed to the crime and admitted guilt as a juvenile for second-degree murder and as an adult for solicitation to commit second-degree murder. She was sentenced to five years in the state juvenile system and an additional 18 years in state prison.

Bryan Grove pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and received a 40-year prison sentence with eligibility for parole in 2033. He continues to be in the Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility.

Jared Guy was not sentenced to prison, but Jared Smith received a two-year sentence in juvenile detention for helping the two put Linda Damm's body in the car trunk.

Tess sought parole for the first time in 2018 and was granted parole in 2019. She has been kept under the radar since then.

More details about this case will be available in the upcoming episode of Seduced to Slay on ID.

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