Where is David Metter now?

Oxygen's Dateline: Unforgettable delves deep into the infamous murder conspiracy involving Ohio woman Christine Metter and her father Al Zombory in its upcoming episode. The father and daughter plotted to hire a hitman to kill Christine's ex-husband, David Metter.

However, the plot was exposed by former army ranger and Christine's school friend Patrick Sobo, preventing the murder of David Metter. Read further ahead to find out more about David Metter ahead of the upcoming Dateline: Unforgettable episode.

Dateline: Unforgettable: What happened to David Metter?

David Metter was married to Christine Metter and together the couple had four children. The pair divorced in 2009, following which David gained custody of one of the four kids. He then reportedly sought custody of the remaining children as well. Two years later, his wife, according to Oxygen, along with her father, plotted to kill him. Christine got in touch with her school friend, Patrick Sabo, a former army ranger, who reportedly asked her to save money and hire a hitman. Christine flippantly responded to the text saying, ''Lol.''

That same day, Patrick received an invitation to dinner from Christine. At the dinner, Christine's father Al Zombory offered Patrick $50,000 to kill his ex-son-in-law. Patrick agreed to the contract but immediately reported it to the police who then asked him to tell the father and daughter that he'd found a better hitman who could do the job as they hatched a plan to nab Christine and Zombory. Things went according to plan as Christine and Al Zombory agreed to the deal. Authorities then sent Detective Christopher Bowerstock as an undercover cop diguised as a hitman.

The detective reportedly taped the conversations he had with Al Zombory, who vented his anger and frustration over David gaining custody of one of the kids. As per Oxygen, Zombory gave Bowerstock $3,000 as a down payment for the job. Authorities then staged a murder, following which Bowerstock showed the father and daughter a photoshopped picture of David as proof. Later, Christine and Zombory were arrested.

Christine did not plead guilty to the crime at the trial. Her lawyer argued that she was manipulated by her father and that she was innocent. However, she was found guilty of conspiring to murder her ex-husband, David Metter, and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Her father, meanwhile, pleaded guilty in court and received a 9-year prison sentence. As per Murder for Hire, he died in jail in 2018 after serving 5 years of his sentence.

Dateline: Unforgettable: Where is David Metter now?

At the trial, Christine claimed that David was physically abusive, as per Patch News. She further stated that he was involved in an affair with a co-worker. According to the News-Herald, David told the court that one of his kids missed school for 30 days in a year while being under the care of Christine. While speaking to Murder for Hire, David said that his 16-year-old daughter did not want to go back to her mother, following which he gained custody over her.

Post her conviction, Christine lost parental rights to her four children. According to the publication Heavy, David married a woman named Loni in 2010. He currently resides in Atlanta.

Don't miss the latest episode of Dateline: Unforgettable on Oxygen on June 21, 2022.

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