Woody Harrelson Tells Wealthsimple Magazine His Wedding Only Cost $500

In a recent diary entry for Wealthsimple Magazine, actor Woody Harrelson got frank about his financial history. One topic he talked about was his wedding, where he revealed that he only spent $500 on the event.

The entry is part of a recurring series from Wealthsimple Magazine titled “Money Diaries,” where stars open up about the role money has played in their lives.

Woody starts his entry by recalling his first job delivering newspapers, where he describes himself as being “terrible at collecting money from my customers.” After many failed attempts at confronting customers, he eventually started losing money after having to pay for the newspapers himself.

Later on in his twenties, Woody started working odd jobs, one being at a gym with several famous members such as Madonna and Kool & the Gang. His job was to promote the gym by placing ads in nearby businesses. Woody said the ads made no difference as not too long afterwards, the gym closed, and he lost his job.

These two experiences taught him a few valuable lessons about money. The first is to save, and not overspend. The second is that “the least expensive things can be the most personally rewarding.” In this case, the actor is talking about his wedding, which he says only cost $500.

“At the end of the day, it ain’t about how much it costs — it’s about having great people in a beautiful place and just…celebrating.”

To read Woody’s full interview with Wealthsimple Magazine, click here.

What do you think of what he had to say? Make sure to tweet us at !

If you would like to read more “Money Diaries,” check out entries from Broad City‘s Abbi Jacobson and Mad Men‘s Jon Hamm.

Cover Photo Credits: Getty Images
